AC Summer Preparation in Granite City, IL

How To Prepare Air Conditioner for the Summer

Summer is nearly here, which means now is a great time to begin preparing your air conditioner for the changing of the seasons. Staying proactive by following a few simple tips will allow your system to operate more efficiently, which reduces wear and tear while also decreasing your utility bill during the hot summer months. Here are a few tips to follow on how you can prepare your air conditioner for the summer. 1. Replace Old Air Filters Air filters can eventually get dirty over time and impact the quality of your indoor air. It’s often recommended to switch out your air filter every couple of months to keep your air conditioner working at an optimal level. You can also switch out your air filter more often if anyone in your home suffers from allergies or if you have young children. 2. Schedule an Inspection Another way to prepare your air conditioner for the summer is to schedule an inspection with a local HVAC company. These inspection services can identify any problems with your air conditioner, which can save you a lot of stress in the future. An HVAC technician will also make minor adjustments to maximize the efficiency of...

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Why Do Air Conditioners Freeze Up?

An AC unit that freezes up is an all too common issue for many homeowners. A frozen air conditioner is especially frustrating in the middle of summer. Sometimes you can follow a few simple tips to take care of the problem yourself, or you may need to reach out to an HVAC company to further investigate the problem. Here are a few of the most common reasons why air conditioners freeze up. 1. Dirty Air Filter Most people make the mistake of not replacing their air filters on a regular basis. Over time, an air filter will get dirty and cause additional strain on your AC system. All of this extra dust, dirt, and pollen will restrict airflow and cause your system to freeze. The best way to avoid this situation is to change out your air filter every couple of months. You may need to consider replacing your air filter more often if you have pets in your house, children, or if you have a household member who smokes. 2. Refrigerant Leak A refrigerant leak can cause your air conditioner to eventually freeze up. You may also hear a hissing noise or notice that your AC system is blowing...

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man working on furnace

Should I Turn Off My Gas Furnace in the Summer?

When summer arrives, many people don’t want to think about their home’s gas furnace anymore. Cold weather drifts into the past, and summertime redirects focus toward the air conditioner. Unfortunately, homeowners might leave their gas furnaces running in the summer months. Doing so could be a costly mistake. The Pilot Light Keeps Running A gas furnace relies on a pilot light to ignore the gas that goes through the burners. When the thermostat doesn’t engage the heating system, the burners won’t fire up. However, if the gas furnace remains operational, then the pilot light stays lit. And yes, the pilot light requires some gas to stay ignited. Homeowners have to pay for that pilot light gas. Monthly bills may reflect that gas usage, which adds up over the summer months. Shutting off the furnace addresses both fossil fuel and monetary waste. Homeowners living in Granite City or anywhere in Madison and St. Clair counties can request heating and cooling maintenance from . Our team can inspect, clean, and shut off a furnace for clients. Meddling With the Thermostat People make mistakes, and someone who “plays” with the thermostat may accidentally set the temperature to an unacceptable level. If the temperature...

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Family Indoor Air Quality

What Are Indoor Air Quality Monitors?

Life can’t exist without air. That’s why humans take an average of 20,000 breaths a day. Whether you’re awake or asleep, you depend on fresh and clean air to keep you healthy in your Granite City home. Unfortunately, the air in many homes is anything but fresh or clean. That’s because indoor air is commonly filled with countless visible contaminants, many of which have the potential to make you and your family very sick. To help overcome this problem, recommends utilizing indoor air quality monitors to find these hidden contaminants and remove them from your home for good. Cool Science The science behind indoor air quality monitors is truly fascinating. Most monitors utilize electrochemical or optical sensors to detect the concentration of various contaminants. An electrochemical sensor, for example, uses an electrode surrounded by a liquid that is known to react with certain contaminants. Based on the frequency of the reaction, the sensor can determine if a certain contaminant is at dangerous levels in your Madison County home. A Monitor for Every Contaminant Some common contaminants in your home might include carbon monoxide, volatile organic compounds, lead, mold, radon, and more. For some contaminants, such as carbon monoxide and radon,...

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How Can I Make My Windows More Energy Efficient

Since windows are very expensive, it makes no sense to replace them just to increase the energy efficiency of your home. The good news is that you can make old windows more efficient, so you save money on your energy bills and make your house more comfortable. Old windows usually have air leakage around them. You can use weatherstripping or caulk to inexpensively seal any gaps or cracks. While these are long-lasting solutions, check windows every year to make sure they’re still sealed. Window Treatments Thick drapes will improve the energy efficiency of your windows. In the winter, they reduce the amount of heat leaving your home. In the summer, they prevent the sun from warming your house through the windows. On sunny winter days, you can open the drapes to let the sun heat your residence for free. Window Film You can apply window film to reduce how much the sun heats your home. You can install window film either temporarily or permanently. Temporary window film is preferable in cold climates, as you can remove it in the winter to let the sun heat your house. Storm Windows Unlike in years past, modern storm windows can be permanently installed....

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Why Is Indoor Air Quality Important?

Air quality is a measure of airborne pollutants that are known to have bad effects on human health. Concerning the idea of air quality, most people associate it with greenhouse gas emissions from cars, coal-powered power plants, and factories. When it comes to personal health and overall wellness, indoor air quality is much more important than its outdoor counterpart. Indoor Air Quality Unequally Affects These Populations According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, indoor air quality doesn’t affect everyone equally. It goes without saying that people who exercise frequently, eat a well-balanced diet, and have no chronic health conditions are generally more impervious to pathogens and pollutants. Even if they’re healthy, eat well, and exercise often, low-income households, minorities, indigenous peoples, senior citizens, and children deal with more problems from indoor air quality. The EPA has peer-reviewed many studies indicate that these populations are more vulnerable and more frequently exposed to radon, mold, secondhand smoke, and formaldehyde, all of which hurt indoor air quality. Making steps to control your home’s air quality can reduce overall health problems for these populations. Pollutants Frequently Trigger Asthma and Allergies Tens of millions of Americans suffer from asthma and allergies. People with these conditions...

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How Can a Zoning System Save Me Money?

When you’re in need of a new heating and air conditioning system, you’ll have a lot of options to consider. A zoned heating and cooling system allows you to set up different climate zones in your home. You could have the master bedroom as one, the living area as another, and secondary bedrooms as the third. Here are three ways that installing a zoning system can save you money on heating and cooling your Granite City, IL, home. 1. Heat or Cool Part of Your Home If you don’t use certain areas of your home, such as a guest room, you don’t have to heat or cool that zone. You can shut off the airflow to that area, which will lower the overall energy usage for the heating and cooling system. 2. Customize Temperature in Each Zone In most households, one person likes it warmer in the winter or cooler in the summer. Thanks to zoned setups, that person can have a zone customized to their preference. Each zone can have a different temperature, so the system doesn’t have to heat or cool the whole house to accommodate the most extreme temperature preference. Less heating or cooling saves you money....

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How to Make Your Home More Energy-Efficient This Winter

As the cold weather rolls in around Granite City, your thoughts will likely soon turn to keeping your home comfortable during the long winter months ahead. Unfortunately, if your home and furnace aren’t efficient, facing a long, cold winter can be quite intimidating. That’s why you need to do all you can to optimize your home’s energy efficiency so the cold days don’t cause your utility bills to skyrocket. Here are a few insights from the professionals at that should give you a good start. Increase Attic Insulation If the insulation in your attic is lacking, you could be losing major amounts of warm air to the outside. This will cause your furnace to run more frequently as it struggles to maintain a consistent temperature in your home. By adding insulation, you can hold onto the warm air for longer and provide sound absorption so your house is quieter. Caulk the Cracks A crack or two in the seals around your doors or windows may seem insignificant. However, on bitterly cold days, these cracks can serve as superhighways that allow for quick air exchanges, making your home much less efficient. To overcome this problem, all you have to do is...

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3 Tips for Troubleshooting Your HVAC System

If you fail to inspect and maintain your HVAC equipment in your home regularly, the chances are that it will break down more often. To keep the unit in tip-top condition, you should schedule regular tune-ups. Potential equipment failures that you may come across include a malfunctioning fan or a system that does not heat or cool accordingly. When this happens, it should be your priority to troubleshoot the equipment for potential problems. 1. Check the Circuit Breakers Sometimes, the circuit breaker that provides an electrical connection to your HVAC equipment may trip. The fuses connected to your system may also melt as a result of electrical overloading. When this happens, the entire unit will shut down and fail to turn back on. Checking the circuit breaker and the fuse box will be the most likely fix that will have your equipment back up and running. 2. Inspect the Vents The ventilation holes of your HVAC system are crucial openings that help the unit to draw up air. Sometimes, as a result of regular use and poor maintenance, these vents clog up with debris and leaves. Depending on where you live, rodents may also colonize the area, causing a major...

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Do You Still Need to Maintain Your AC in the Fall?

After the scorching summer months, the arrival of fall could feel like a relief. The new season brings with it something else: reduced utility bills since the air conditioner won’t run excessively. However, this doesn’t mean you should neglect your air conditioning unit. Fall might even be the right time to get service performed. Taking a Small Step With an Outdoor Unit Fall can bring winds and rain, and those falling leaves and twigs might get caught up in the breeze. The same might be the case with other outdoor debris. Homeowners will want to avoid seeing their air conditioning unit clogged with dirt, leaves, and more. Placing a cover on an outside air conditioning unit provides a layer of protection. Be sure to tie the cover tight, as the wind could blow a loose one away. Dealing With the Dirty Filter Dirt and debris aren’t only found outside. Dirt, dust, and dander fly around the home. Thankfully, the air conditioner has a filter capable of catching debris. In time, the filter ends up so dirty it can’t do its job effectively. Changing the filter must become a top priority. Otherwise, performance problems and air quality issues may follow. Time...

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