Getting the Best From Your Air Conditioner

AC Efficiency in Granite City, IL

The experts at McFarland Indoor Comfort Services know that your air conditioning system is a serious investment in your home comfort. We want our Granite City customers to get the best return possible. Professional maintenance and a few simple steps from you will improve both the performance and efficiency of your system.

Annual Professional Care

An annual tune-up is one of the best things you can do for your cooling system. Before the summer hits, our experts will examine your system and look for any potential problems. They will also carry out several maintenance tasks like cleaning the condenser, checking electrical connections and lubricating moving parts. When they are done, you can relax knowing that your system is ready for the warm weather ahead.

Members of our Comfort Club Maintenance Plan receive some additional benefits. We will handle the scheduling to make certain your maintenance appointment happens at an appropriate time. If we find any problems that require a repair, you will receive a 10% discount on the costs.

Maintaining Proper Airflow

There are several steps you can take to maintain the performance of your system. Airflow is the secret to a healthy air conditioner. You want to allow an uninterrupted flow whenever the system is in operation.

Your AC condenser sits outside throughout the year. With each passing season, dust, leaves and other debris can block your system. During the off-season, it is best to cover your outdoor equipment with a heavy tarp. In the summer, be sure to check the area around the condenser and cut down any plant growth that might block the air.

You also want to keep air flowing inside your home. The in-home filter traps impurities like hair and dust to preserve your system. However, this filter needs regular attention. Our team will replace it at the annual tune-up. If you have pets, you may need to change the filter more frequently.

Granite City’s Home Comfort Team

The residents of Madison and St. Clair counties can trust McFarland Indoor Comfort Services for all their cooling needs. You can also count on us for heating, indoor air quality and commercial HVAC services. If you are looking to keep your home or business comfortable throughout the year, contact us today.

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