December 21, 2022

Furnace Lockout: Causes and Solutions

Is your furnace leaving you out in the cold more often than not? Is it refusing to restart after several attempts to reset it? You may be experiencing a furnace ignition lock out. What Is Furnace Lockout? Today’s modern furnaces come equipped with various safety sensors that ensure its proper function. If these sensors detect a condition that is determined to be unsafe, the furnace will be forced to shut down to prevent any safety hazards or damage to your unit. While these safety measures are effective, your furnace is likely to remain in lock out until you or a professional technician reset it. Many homeowners send a furnace into lockout mode after attempting to get it going several times without success. Furnace lockouts most commonly occur due to: Issues with a flame sensor Issues with the ignition mechanism Issues with a limit switch Issues with gas supply Faulty Flame Sensors A faulty flame sensor is one of the more common causes of a furnace lockout. As a furnace starts a cycle, a safety sensor checks for the presence of fire. If the safety sensor is defective, it will not detect a flame, and a control switch will halt the...

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